Experiencing, learning, maturing, applying
The program is divided into four modules:
- Experiential Workshops (20 credits): free choice
- Didactic Training (50 credits): intensive theoretical/practical workshops, online seminars, exams
- Interdisciplinary and integrative Training (15 credits): online activities, free choice side seminars
- Practice and Supervision (35 credits)
Personalized and flexible study plans, acknowledgement of credits
In 2021, students will attend at least one of the following Training Workshops (The health emergency could cause changes in schedule):
- 24-27 April: DMT Session and Warm-up (Rome)
- April 29 - May 2: DMT Applications (Rome)
- 30 May - 2 June: Working with Materials and Objects (Rome)
- June 26-July 4: Summer School - Rhythm, Space, Choreographic Process (Tagliacozzo)
- 9-12 September: Rhythm, Pulsation and Music (Catania)
- 29 October - 1 November: Effort/Shape, Movement Qualities (Manta, CN)
- 5-8 December: The DMT Group (Rome)
Dmt-ER® Mondays: monthly online training seminars
Laban/Bartenieff Workshops in the main locations of the School