
La formazione in Dmt-ER®


Dmt-ER® has been developed in the nineties by Vincenzo Bellia. It is rooted in Dance Therapy based on Expression Primitive and in the Group Analysis.

The method develops some basic insights of Marian Chace, the first dance therapist. In the forties of the last century, M. Chace wrote that

- Dance Therapy is based on the spontaneous motor response to the rhythmic musical stimulus

- its main purpose is to promote the participation of individuals in the group

- it acts in the processes of (trans)formation of the body image, which is «primarily a social creation».

Dmt-ER® is founded on an artistic matrix. Dance is the most complete form of movement: it gives to actions a symbolical intentionality, through an intrinsically relational creative experience, open to a multiplicity of styles and cultures of the body.

Dmt-ER® considers creativity an interpersonal process, which should not be trivialized in a narcissistic celebration. The relational game is a "creative fiction", whereas the identity of the involved individuals takes shape and transforms in new ways the collective heritage.

Rhythm has a fundamental function as a biological, psychic and relational organizer. On a rhythmic ground the individual harmonizes itself with the outer world. The rhythmic dimension is central for Dmt-ER®, due to the practice and the anthropological matrix of Expression Primitive.

Dmt-ER® has developed specific models of organization of the therapeutic setting, related to the traditional ritual devices and supported by group psychodynamics. Dmt-ER® is fundamentally oriented by a basic intuition, both philosophical and methodological: the path to develop the Self always passes through the other human being.

Scuola di Formazione in Dmt-ER®

Diretta dal Dott. Vincenzo Bellia (Dmt certificato FAC, CLMA, DMT-APID)
Sede principale a Roma, sedi in Italia a Catania e Torino, sede in Egitto al Cairo
Promossa dall'Associazione di Promozione Sociale "Danzare le Origini", affiliata IAGP
Gestita dalla Cooperativa Sociale "Danzare le Origini"
27 anni di attività (oltre 440 immatricolati e 220 diplomati)
Convenzioni con Università degli Studi di Torino (Dipartimenti di Scienze della Salute Pubblica e di Studi Umanistici), Universidad Nacional de las Artes di Buenos Aires (Dipartimento Arti del Movimento), Rakhawy Institute for Training and Research (Il Cairo)

Info: mail a coordinamento@danzaterapia-esprel.it

I Docenti

  • Vincenzo Bellia (Catania)

    Vincenzo Bellia Catania, direttore della Scuola, docente Dmt-ER® e LBMS.

  • Barbara Dragoni (Roma)

    Barbara Dragoni Roma, coordinatrice didattica, docente Dmt-ER® e LBMS.

  • Tilde Nocera

    Tilde Nocera Castrovillari, docente Dmt.

  • Zaira Donarelli

    Zaira Donarelli Palermo, docente Dmt e Psicodinamica.

  • Benoit Lesage

    Benoit Lesage Francia, docente Fondamenti del Movimento.

  • Riccardo Gerbino

    Riccardo Gerbino Catania, docente Pedagogia del Ritmo.

  • Collaborano con la Scuola

    Laura D'Agostino (Napoli, pedagogista e Dmt), Valerio Dimonte (Torino, docente università e Dmt), Elena Fornaciari (Mantova, Dmt), Giovanni Iacono (Salò, osteopata e Dmt), Roberta Mazzullo (Siracusa, neuropsichiatra infantile), Salvatore Napolitano (Catania, neurologo), Alessandro Pontremoli (Torino, docente università Storia della danza), Carmelita Russo (Catania, neuropsichiatra infantile e psicoterapeuta).

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